Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Business Ethics Question Bank

    Business Ethics
Unit I
2 Marks Questions
1. What is fundamental aim of Ethics?
2. Define Business Ethics.
3. Write short notes on Utilitarianism
4. Define the concept of Transactional Leadership.
5.  What do you mean by Values?
6. What is the fundamental aim of ethics?
7. What is Ethics of Care?

5 Marks
1. What are the characteristics that make a business decision ethical?
2. How important is trust building in business?
3. Write a note on Utilitarianism theory.
4. What are the objectives of Ethics?
5. What are the features of CEO in the business?

10 Marks
1.Discuss the role and importance of Ethics in Business.
2. Explain the impact of Ethics in Business Policies and Strategies with suitable examples.
Unit II
Part A                            2 Marks
1.      Define the term Bribery and Corruption.
2.      Mention three causes for Bribery and Corruption in India.
3.      What is business bribery? Quote 2 examples of business bribery.
4.      What is Theft or stealing in business organization?
5.      Write a note on blue collar theft.
6.      Write a note on white collar theft.
7.      Write a note on Trade Secrets.
8.      Write a note on Intellectual Property rights.
9.      Define coercion.
10.  Write a note on Deception.
11.  What are the types of Deception?
12.  Write a note on Deceptive Advertisement.
13.  Write a note on Unfair Discrimination.
Part B                          5 Marks
1.      What are the causes of Corruption and Bribery?
2.      What are the results of Bribery?
3.      Write a note on Coercion on the basis of emotional stress.
4.      Explain the term ‘Stealing the trade Secrets’ with Illustrations.
Part C 10 marks
1.      Analyze the causes and results of bribery in India. Discuss the ways to curb Bribery in Corporate Sector.
2.      Discuss the issues connected with Intellectual property rights and stealing of trade secrets with illustrations.
3.      Analyze critically the basis on which discrimination is made in jobs in our country.
Unit III
Part A   2 Marks
1.      State any three causes on which discrimination could be made in hiring employees.
2.      Write a note on employment discrimination.
3.      What are the general practices adopted to prevent and postpone promotions.
4.      Write a note on the Minimum Wages Act,1948.
5.      What is unfair discrimination?
6.      What is Discipline?
7.      What is the root cause of indiscipline in Business organization in our country?
8.      Write a note on conduct of Rules.
9.      Define Whistle blowing.
10.  Write a short note on Sexual Harassment.
Part B        5 marks
1.      State briefly about the type of unfair discrimination prevailing in appointing people for jobs.
2.      Briefly explain the unethical practices adopted during recruitment.
3.      What are the salient features of Minimum Wages Act?
4.      Write a note on Specialization and its impact on the worker.
5.      Suggest few measures for ensuring Discipline in organizations.
6.      What are the rights of employees?
7.      What are the dangers of Whistle Blowing?
8.      What are the methods of preventing Whistle blowing?
9.      What are the guidelines pertaining to sexual Harassment?

Part C   10 Marks
1.      Discuss in detail unfair discrimination practiced at time hiring and at time of promotion of employees.
2.      What is meant by exploitation of employees? Discuss how this could be done at different levels?
3.      What do you mean by risk for the employees? Explain how this could be minimized by the employer.
4.      What are the ways to prevent sexual harassment at work place. What are the steps to be taken by the employer to ensure safe environment for women working in the organization.
5.      Analyze the causes for indiscipline in industrial and business organizations in India.
6.      Explain how best the ethical problems relating to discipline could be solved in an organization.
7.      Explain the circumstances under which Whistle blowing is justified. Also offer suggestions to prevent whistle blowing.
Unit IV
1.      What are the aspects of fair marketing?
2.      The consumer has the right to choose the product. Explain
3.      Mention three harmful products sold in the market.
4.      Write a note on perfect competition.
5.      What is Monopoly market?
6.      Write a note Oligopolistic market.
7.      What is equilibrium point in perfect competition?
8.      Monopoly competitor is price fixer. Explain
9.      What is net monopoly revenue?
10.  What is Capital Justice?
11.  Define Advertising.
12.  Define Monopolistic Competition.
Part B
1.      Briefly point out several consumer rights.
2.      Mention few unethical practices in Industrial marketing.
3.      Explain the features of Monopoly Market.
4.      What are the features of Oligopoly market?
5.      Write a note on Ethics in Perfect Competitive Markets.
6.      Briefly explain ethics in Monopoly market.
7.      Write briefly ethics in Oligopoly Market.
8.      What are the basic objectives of advertisement?
9.      Write a note on wastage in monopolistic competition.
10.  Write a note on Wasteful expenditure in advertising.
Part C
1.      Discuss various ethical features of perfectly competitive market. Bring out the limitations of this type of market.
2.      Explain monopoly market and state how the consumer is unethically exploited in this type of market.
3.      In a perfect market condition ‘Consumer is Sovereign’, Explain.
4.      Oligopolies and Monopolies: Are they enemies of consumers. Discuss
5.      Discuss the various features of oligopolistic market and bring out the ethics in this type of marketing.
6.      Discuss in detail the effects of advertisements and bring out its baneful features.
7.      Discuss how consumer price is determined in monopolistic competition.
8.      Discuss about false claims in advertisements. Suggest measures to prevent them.
Environmental Protection and Ethics
2 Marks
1.      Define Pollution. What is a pollutant?
2.      What are the sources of pollutants on land?
3.      What is meant by Marine pollution?
4.      What are the common sources of air pollution?
5.      Write a note on pollution tax.
6.      Define the term Subsidy in reducing pollution.
5 Marks
1.      Write a note on Solid Waste pollution.
2.      Automobile or chief source of pollution-Elaborate.
3.      Explain Private and social cost.
4.      What are the different forms of subsidies in reducing pollution?
10 Marks
1.      Analyze the various causes of pollution in a developing country.
2.      Briefly analyze the causes of water pollution in India and how can this be effectively managed.
3.      What is ecological ethics? Suggest measures for better environmental quality in our country.
4.      Best way to control pollution and preserve environment will be through ‘Moral Suasion’ and Self-Regulation’.- Discuss
5.      Prohibition is impossible; pollution tax will be ineffective in combating pollution. What methods do you suggest?

Unit V
Part A
1.      Define the term ‘Social Responsibility’ of a business.
2.      What do you mean by Business Giving?
3.      What are the limits of social responsibility in of business?
4.      What is meant by Social Audit?
5.      What is the primary objective of social audit?
Part B
1.      Explain the widening concepts of modern business as against the traditional business.
2.      Briefly mention the social responsibilities of business towards its shareholders.
3.      What are the principal obligations of a business firm towards the Government?
4.      Explain the salient benefits of social audit.
5.      Briefly explain different approaches in Social Audit.

Part C
1.      Discuss in detail the arguments for and against business firms assuming social responsibility.
2.      Elaborate how best employer-employee relationship could be enhanced in a business organisation. Indicate the social responsibility of business towards employees.
3.      What are the objectives and need for social audit? Explain in detail the causes to be examined in social audit.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for updating question bank mam.. it helped us to score more marks in exam..
